Ha ha! I'm finally ready with our 'Best of 2009' photo gallery and highlights of the year!
This year was a bit of a whirlwind for all of us. We were really busy and felt overworked most of the year, so it's no surprise that 2009 was also a year for lots of mini vacations and trips.
January - Cynthia started this blog (which she rarely contributes to) in order to have a means to keep in touch with friends. Peter completed the necessary steps to become an Associate of the Society of Actuaries and Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Cynthia also gets a calling as a Mia Maids teacher.
Some months in between - Honestly, not too much happened during this time period. Jordan lost his first tooth, we had some car problems, we had a staycation, etc. Then...
June - We did a joint vacation with the Maynes to Wisconsin Dells. It's a good thing we did it this year - we may never make it over to those parts again. Peter is released from his calling in the Elders Quorum Presidency and also switches positions at work. Jordan and Carter also go on their very first Father and Sons camp out.
July - Carter goes to the emergency room for the second time in his life (which is two more times than the rest of us combined). We were worried that he had possibly been drinking antifreeze with two of his friends in the garage. Thankfully, none of the kids drank anything...everyone was fine.
August - Peter begins seriously studying for an actuarial exam to come in late October. Family time decreased drastically from this point on. The test went well, results will be posted January 8th.
September - Jordan begins 5-year old, full-day kindergarten. It was so funny listening to how mature he said he was now that he's not in 4K half-day school.
October - Peter is called to be a secretary to the Elder's Quorum Presidency. This is now his shortest calling ever at a duration of 6 weeks.
November - Cynthia's brother (David and his wife Shelena) visit us for a week from Utah. On the final day of the vacation (for both families), Peter finds out he was laid off along with 95 others at his company. The job search begins.
December - The job search ends after only 23 days (very thankful). Peter's grandma passes away on the 8th. Our family leaves Milwaukee headed for Portland on the 28th to start a new job in a new town.
Merry Christmas 2024
2 months ago