The check engine light went on AGAIN last night in our car. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the third EGR valve in as many months is bad. I'll get the code checked out today. Worse, the radiator is no longer retaining fluid. If I could actually find a good mechanic to just tell me (without guessing) if it's the cap, water pump, thermostat, etc, I could easily fix it myself. The non-functional power windows are also ticking me off in the summer heat.
And the "new" hard drive that Seagate sent me? It failed. That's two broken Seagate hard drives in 6 months. At this pace, I'll get 19 replacement drives during the 5-year warranty. Promise me that you, dear reader, will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVAR purchase a Seagate hard drive. Ever.
My motorcycle is not treating me well either. I need to change the oil, but the drainage bolt is stripped. As of yet, no real progress in trying to extract the bolt.
At least I have an assistant-fixer-upper who works for cookies.
I LOVE this picture of Carter! I have included it in the pics that my slideshow gadget runs through!